Drug theft and pilferage is considered as one of the contributing factors for the persistent drug shortages in Malawian health facilities. In order to curb the vice, the Director of Health Technical Sup-port Services in Ministry of Health Godfrey Kadewere suggests imprisonment as punishment without giving any option of fine. He says this is the most effective deter-rent.
Kadewere made the remarks at the end of a day long stakeholders follow up meeting on drug stock out held on 25th February, 2022 in Salima convened by Net-work of Journalists Living with HIV (JONEHA). Other participants in-cluded the Central Medical Stores Trust, the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA) and Criminal Investigation Department of the Malawi Police Service.
He further said, when one is found guilty; the judges should not be looking at what has been stolen or its value but lives inconvenienced or lost. So, he or she must be penalized financially but imprisonment should be a must.
While appreciating efforts made towards the fight against drug theft and pilferage; Kadewere however said the 1956 Penal Code being used is outdated hence the need to replace it with the 2019 Pharmacy and Medicines Regulatory Authority (PMRA) Act which does not give fine as an option. Unfortunately; the judiciary does not seem aware of the 2019 PMRA Act.
Commenting on the matter, the Director of Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Malawi Police Service, Emmanuel Soko, concurred with Kadewere saying the old legislation, enacted in 1956, need replacing as its use determines the way cases are handled. Soko added that there have been lenient fines to those found guilty because of this old law. He cited an example of Petros Chalera of Kulemenya village in Zomba who was found with assorted drugs without license but was fined K40, 000.00 only.
‘In order to curb drug theft in Malawi there is need to cut the source which are public sources, check Ministry of Health systems and digitalize them. Also, government should provide adequate funds through the budget for procurement of drugs. In addition; health workers should be appreciated through recognition of their roles so they are motivated and avoid stealing drugs.’ Kadewere concluded.
All stakeholders attending the meeting agreed to collaborate in implementing activities and share copies of the 2019 PRMA Act widely with other key stakeholders especially the judiciary as a way of fighting drug theft and pilferage in Malawi.
On its part JONEHA committed to continue holding such a platform to facilitate national dialogue among key stakeholders on strategies for eliminating drug theft and pilferage, track progress being made thereof. The meeting was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through AVAC under the COMPASS Africa Initiative.